So frustrating when family members don’t sympathize with mental health, let alone understand it

I have depression, social anxiety, ADHD and ASD like symptoms/traits that I’m trying to get screened for. Not to mention others things like OCPD, APD, being spaced and out of it in general, feeling dissociated much of the time. I’m seeing a therapist and have been in contact with a psychiatrist at least, but still not helping much. I’m not fully self diagnosed and or anything like that, they diagnosed me with those things. I’m not sure if depression and social anxiety is caused by undiagnosed ADHD, as my therapist would have me believe, or my depression and social anxiety is causing ADHD like symptoms, as my psychiatrist doesn’t believe I have ADHD, though she suspects ASD. So it’s a very confusing time for me.

Up until recently I was just cruising along in life but then started to take a good hard look at myself and I realized somethings off. I’ve had social anxiety for as long as I can remember but am going through a bad bout of depression as I make some realizations about myself and really dig deep into why I am how I am. Basically just life catching up to me and hitting me all at once it feels like. Not happy with my job, relationships, health, dating life, and now my family are people who I really am having a hard time being around after the veil has come off and I’m seeing them for who they are. They’re so confused why I’m distancing myself from them, because I can’t just tell them I can’t be around them anymore because I’m trying to not be like them and they annoy me. I can’t even look past our political difference anymore, as most of them are republicans with conservative values.

You tell them you’re depressed they say “well you just gotta get over it and it’s such and such”. You tell them you suspect ADHD they tell you “well yeah I have it too and I just ignore it”, like yeah I know, you let it run rampant and let it affect others around you. You tell them you have social anxiety and they think you just need to get out more, when in reality it could be something more like autism, or simply severe social anxiety cause by a deeper routed issue that isn’t simple fixed by exposure therapy.

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