Spouse mental status

I’m seeking some advice regarding my wife’s mental status.

For the several years I’ve noticed a growing change in my wife’s behavior. She has always showed a mild animosity towards other females, and some extreme jealousy, but I was usually able to talk her down from these feelings. For a long time this wasn’t much of an issue for me. But it slowly began to intensify, along with her mood. She began coming downstairs in the morning in a terrible mood. I would greet her and offer her some breakfast and she would say “I don’t know. Leave me alone”. She would occasionally say things like “I wish I wasn’t alive”. “What’s the point of life?”.

She began to target her anger towards my female friends and family members. When I first noticed this I suggested that she seek counseling, but she accused me of calling her crazy. As time went on, this behavior continued to get worse. I began suggesting that we go to marriage counseling, just as a way to get her to talk to someone about this. This suggestion was ignored over and over again.

Cut to today; we are ostracized from her friends, my friends, my family. And she refuses to hold a conversation with me, usually just giving me one word answers. It seems like she has anger towards every person in our lives.

I have noticed that things tend to get worse when certain things happen in her life. She has been terminated from several jobs, experienced financial troubles, and the passing of family members has all seemed to make things worse. Now it just seems like she is in a constant state of anger. And she blames me and everyone else for it.

Additional information: she comes from a very fractured family, while I come from a very close knit family.

There is a lot that I left out just to keep this from being a novel. But I am just looking for some suggestions on how we can move on from this. We have a young daughter and I don’t want her to be influenced by any of this.

Thank you.

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