Stressed about finding job, mom taking my money

Just feeling incredibly hopeless. I graduated college recently. I can’t find a job. I don’t have a car either, and most jobs I seem qualified for wouldn’t pay enough to cover a car payment and rent.

I had several thousand saved since high school, from tutoring and birthdays and stuff. I saved everything. But when my account was created I was a minor, and so my mother has access to my account. And in the past year she has ‘borrowed’ almost five thousand from me. All my savings gone. She doesn’t even tell me when she’s going to anymore, she just takes out. She says she’ll pay it back eventually. I know for a fact she never will. I feel so sick. Everything I had is gone and I can’t complain. I know it’s my mother and I could consider it rent/groceries… but I know plenty of people whose parents never charged them for living with them.

I just am losing my patience and my hope. I can barely look at her. I think she can tell. She keeps talking about renovations she wants to do this summer too and it makes me sick knowing I’ll be paying for them. I can’t do anything without seeming selfish and ruining the relationship. She’s too proud to accept help from her boyfriend but took it from me instead.

I also realize that.. graduating college isn’t a big deal to some people. And neither of my parents have ever been particularly proud of my. But I thought graduating summa cum laude might be something. But they never asked. My mom only said she was happy to have finally finished her degree before one of her kids. But I also know my degree wasn’t impressive, so I don’t really deserve a pat on the back. Idk.

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