To anyone with bad anxiety under 26 years old

I promise you it's not too late. You can make improvements. You can get better. I know that high anxiety can make it feel like it's the end of it all. But please, don't give up on yourself. When I was younger, I couldn't even speak to customers looking them straight in the eyes. I was 18. Now, I'm 26. I still have trouble doing that but I'm now able to. I used to have to WRITE scripts to prepare what I was going to say on the phone. Now, it's not as debilitating. I PROMISE you. It can get better. I can't say it will get better because everybody has their own different lives and different circumstances. But it's not impossible. Just THREE years ago I wouldn't walk into a crowded public place alone. Now? I can. Of course I can feel a bit nervous but it's tolerable. My point is, I didn't think I would even be able to hold down a job one day or walk into a public place without panicking. But I've made so much improvement.
PLEASE be kind to yourself.
There's still hope and you DESERVE to feel at peace.
I believe in you.
Please try to believe in you to.
Sending you love ๐Ÿ’–

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