28 Replies to “What does depression feel like to you?

  1. It just feels like emptiness. For me, that “deep rest” quote doesn’t really ring true. I’d rather recharge with friends or activities. I like to think there’s some aspect of rest to it though. But again, recharging my social battery can drain my body. If I get in a funk for more than 3-5 days, ik there’s something seriously wrong. And that it’s probably major depression. But I’m curious as to what/how long is a typical spout of depression for people?

  2. like I haven’t slept right in weeks, even if I have. I can’t think, everything gets cloudy and mixed up. I’m less empathetic toward the people I care about. dulled sensed– everything is less vibrant. you know when you’re fed up with work or school, but you have to do it, so you just sigh and carry on? apply that feeling to *any and every* movement, productivity, self-care or self-maintenance task, leaving the house, talking, thinking. sometimes it is more intense than other times. I don’t often feel sad. melancholic, maybe, but not often sad. what I usually feel, and this is the worst part for me, is an intense and unyielding boredom. not a single thing makes me feel enriched in any way, and I’m always exhausted, so some days I just lay down and scroll on my phone or watch tv, not eating and wearing the same clothes as yesterday. nothing’s worth it, nothing is interesting.

    I would describe depression as a lack of some type of life force rather than an added weight. a supernatural tiredness, like a ghost steals parts of your soul.

    keep in mind that those with depression are far more likely to have comorbidities- for example, I am diagnosed OCD, ADHD, and social phobia. plus some severe trauma, maybe ptsd because of it? my point, though, is that it’s all just one mixed up soup of “being unwell” flavor, and you don’t know which disorder, thought distortion, or maladaptive coping mechanism is causing which horrible feelings. you just are, people apply labels afterward to try to understand you.

    I’m tired

  3. I was really in a deep depression last year because of too much trauma + a breakup and family issues : i cried before sleeping, waking up, it was awful. I felt SAD af all the time, I felt really EMPTY like something was lacking. But I also felt a deep change within myself, like something was awakening it was a weird yet comforting feeling that kept me alive.

  4. Extreme fatigue. A heavy chest. Foggy thoughts. Difficulty concentrating. Trouble relaxing. Insomnia. Loss of appetite. Constant sadness. Explosive anger. Self-hatred.

    And feeling like it never stops!!

  5. Darkness, doom, emotional pain. A black cloud covers me. My thoughts change, my eyes are heavy and my heart seems heavier too. It’s tiring. I feel insignificant. Lonely, and if I could take a pill to end it all I would have done this decades ago it’s a dangerous condition. It’s like a parasite in the brain.
    I’m not currently depressed, thankfully. But it is something to be feared.

  6. My depression is dynamic and constantly changing. There’s the depression that leaves me on the couch or in bed, unable to move, feeling like even the slightest body movement is like climbing a mountain with weights in my back.

    There’s also the walking depression, where I feel empty, hopeless, questioning what I did in a past life to deserve the pain of not wanting to be alive- yet I go to work, I try to socialize and put on a good face.

    There’s the depression where I’m not feeling so empty and maybe I even have so hopefulness for the future, but my brain will autopilot to negative thoughts including if any small thing goes wrong, my brain tells me “at least I can always kms”.

    My depression is an oddity, I don’t always understand it and sometimes I question if I’m even depressed if I can force myself to do the tasks of daily life. But then I look deeper and realize that people without depression don’t use sewerslide as an exit strategy when things get hard and they probably don’t spend every waking minute drowning in their own brain-save for the times you distract yourself so hard to drown out your mind.

    It sucks. I am doing my best to get better- trying new meds, I’ve been in therapy for over 2 decades and I have tried more invasive treatments for my treatment resistant depression. Just feels horrid sometimes.

  7. Never ending sadness. The urge to never leave the bed or go out in public in front of anyone ever. No wanting to eat anything. Not feeling hungry at all. Finding comfort in dark room and dark places.

  8. You know how in horror movies when the killer cuts the power and the victim goes into a dark room and starts flipping the light switch on and off but nothing happens? That’s my depression. I’m in the dark, trying to flip the switch on and off but there’s nothing. The switch doesn’t work. The darkness remains.

  9. Hi, i’m currently going through depressiom since a month ago and I’ll take this post as a way to let out how it feels..

    In short, it feels super empty and you want to lie down in bed as the day passes by. Your drive for everything just drains out even your passions and hobbies. I can’t sleep even if I tried and if I did, I wake up really tired the next morning, sometimes I would find myself crying out of the blue at 3AM or so.

    I also detached and distanced myself from people including my family. I just don’t have the energy to talk to anyone rn.

    And with it comes anxiety which could be mild or it could be severe.

    For each and everyone of us.. we have a different way of dealing and experiencing depression. I hope to everyone else here in this subreddit or anyone out there going through this, please know that you are not alone.. get help too should you need it. Take care ya’ll.

  10. Just super tired all the time. At my worst, I was sleeping for 14 hours and then still didn’t have the energy to get out of bed. Everything feels like it’s “too much”. I felt like I only had a couple energy tokens I had to distribute throughout the day so things like tooth brushing just didn’t make the cut. I feel like my body felt acidic inside and super heavy and bloated. My eyes were always half closed and I couldn’t live without music or a show playing in the background.

  11. Its weird, I feel so low energy and motovation that I cant move even if i want to. No way to make basic life, walk the dog, clean, eat, shower, etc…
    Its hard to understand if you never been depressed, but its one of the worst feelings you ever can have

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