What is your experiences with antidepressants?

Hi, I have just been diagnosed depressive and I have a doctor appointement next week. I am really stressed because I will have to start to take antidepressants and I only had bad comments about these. Should I be scared?

One Reply to “What is your experiences with antidepressants?”

  1. Please do not focus on only bad comments about antidepressants. People are more likely to complain than praise. Also, everyone has a different experience with AD’s. What’s a life saver for one person might be intolerable to another.

    Having said all that, this is my personal experience with antidepressants. They have given me my life back on more than one occasion. My depression is very biological in nature. Often times it comes out of the blue. Unfortunately, AD’s will not solve your problems and they are not happy pills but they can reduce the symptoms of depression. For me, they make me feel “normal” again. You should not scared.

    On the downside, they can be trial and error to find the right one and they do not work overnight. Only way to know what will work is to try them. Good luck to you,

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