What the fuck am I doing

Today was not a great day at all. I am on the verge of attending a dental school which will put me nearly 500k in debt and I just found out that the FAFSA interest rate for loans increased a whole percent. I have often found myself wondering if I am doing the right thing. My parents always encouraged me to go down the path of becoming a doctor because they thought it would make me happy to make a lot of money. I eventually realized that I wanted to be a dentist because I really care about talking to people regularly and providing good care. I always assumed that they would help me with school but when I applied they informed me that they wouldn’t be helping that much maybe just food, rent and gas. I don’t care about being super rich, but 500k is a lot of money and I don’t think they get that by setting me down this path I may be putting off significant parts of my life like getting married or having kids. At this point in my life I’ve never had a girlfriend and it makes me feel quite hopeless sometimes. I keep telling myself I can pay off the debt if I work hard and stay positive but it sometimes feels heavy. If this goes terribly I can complain all I want but it will only be my fault and there won’t be anyone there to hear me. I worked so hard to get to this point but I’ve often wondered what the fuck am I doing.

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