What’s the point of my life anymore?

What’s even the point of this life anymore? I haven’t seen any signs of improvement whatsoever. Crying while writing this, by the way. The page got kinda wet. Currently, I’ve locked myself in my older brother’s room (He’s elsewhere, so I just claimed the room as mine). My parents are the shittiest part of my life ever. I just watched a video today explaining why the education system in Bangladesh is terrible. And I concur. Lots of useless content, hyper-focus on memorization and tests, constant pressure of GPA 5. Furthermore, the only subjects in school important to my future career (fiction writing) are English 1st and 2nd paper. The rest of the subjects, meaning 10 different subjects, are just useless to me. What does learning “X guy died in Y time” do to help me get my career? It seems many Bangladeshi people are with me, so it’s great knowing there’s support out there. But that support means nothing to me. Why should it? It’s not actually helping because my parents still don’t support me. Anytime I tell my mom, she reacts like the entire world just got destroyed. “Why are you becoming so bad?” “I can’t take it, my son is going to ruin in front of my own eyes.” Loving words. But to me, they only prove one thing. That she’s a lost cause; she will never support my decision to drop out of school. Dad is a mindless yes-man to her. In fact, there was once my mother tried to kill me. I threw her off and ran away to the living room. I don’t remember much, but basically, my dad got involved, and guess who he supported? Yep, that’s right, her. I was so upset that I started banging my head on the floor. Well, moving on from that, I once damaged my mom’s arm a lot, and I also once punched her so badly on the shoulder it turned black. These are things I’m truly sorry about. But I do think it’s a bit curious. She forgot the day she tried to kill me but remembers my wrongdoings. Returning back to education, one reason I wanted to drop out was that I didn’t need school for my career. Let’s see, what do I need? Skills? I can get those skills via informal education fast, given how one-star rated this education system is; that’d probably be better. Still, she doesn’t want to let me have that basic autonomy. Oh, and yeah, I live in Bangladesh, just wanted to mention that. One day, I ran away from home and sat in a nearby park. My older brother found me and brought me back home. In the park, we had a little chat in which I revealed my desires for literature and animation. He said he was gonna teach me graphic design. So I got excited. But then I figured out he wanted me to study for IBA on BBA, whatever it was. The number one business university in our country with a lot of competition and an incredibly low chance of enrollment. And that meant engaging in this stupid education system even further. I tried showing him some proof and examples that I didn’t need to engage in formal education anymore, that my dreams were possible without engaging in this stupid system. But every time I tried saying anything, he immediately interrupted me and told me he already knew what I was about to say and just dismissed them. That’s not new. On the same day, I gave him some papers explaining my struggles, but he didn’t need them, just saying he already knew. And he wasn’t being supportive; he was saying it in a rude way. Anyways, back to that whole thing, he started to pressure me to choose. Do I want formal education or not? I said I wanted to think about it and would answer later. But apparently not even that’s enough for him, because he continued pressuring me to answer right then and there while I kept saying later. Eventually, that led to an argument, and he hit me a bit on the head. And my mom? She refused to eat, to talk, to even move, just lay motionless on her bed all day, said she’d send me off to Saudi Arabia, saying she’d spend no money to support my goals.

Note: It’s to be noted that while I wanna drop out of school, I haven’t given up on education at all. It’s just that instead of formal education, I wanna pursue informal education as I get to choose what I wanna learn, so no pressure of learning a dozen useless (for me) subjects.

Moving past that, she tries to spend time with me daily. That’s a positive thing, I guess. It’s just no matter how much she tries to bond with me, my interest in her just doesn’t increase. Idk why. Maybe it’s because everything going on in my life has made it hard for me to find time for myself, let alone her. And the fact that we have no common interests at all, aside from watching movies. She has told me that she feels lonely, which I understand. But why put the burden of removing your loneliness on me? Why not try contacting others? Once we were watching a movie, but then I opened up my phone just for a bit to find A LOT of messages. I found out that a close friend was trying suicide again, so I stopped watching the movie and started trying to convince them to stop. Mom was repeatedly telling me to come back (Granted; I told her that it was simply an important thing to me, like saying all my data was gonna be erased in a game I love, not the suicide part) and that, in addition to the pressure of saving my friend, made me snap at her, rudely yelling at her to just stfu. This caused her to be FURIOUS, and she was just repeatedly calling me crazy. I started crying and told them to give me a chance to explain, but they just wouldn’t give me a chance. They’d just call me crazy for crying, saying I’ve turned into something else. I thought of running away. But I needed a source of income. I’ve tried everything. I wanted to submit my books to a publisher to get them published, but new authors need to provide the publisher money to get their work printed, money I don’t have. I wanted to use Amazon KDP to publish my books, but for that I need a bank account, which I can’t open due to still being a minor. I thought of having an adult open a bank account on my behalf, where they would send the money they got from Amazon to me, but that’s not possible either. I thought of perhaps contacting NRS to take shelter after I run away, but figured out they served a different nation. Finally, my mom agreed to my offer if I managed to get $500 from this career by publishing on KDP. My first idea was to write a novel within 10 days. But then I realized I could not write it so quickly. It’d diminish its quality greatly, as I need to take days to write each chapter. Then I thought of publishing my work chapter by chapter. And then realized you can’t do that on KDP. So there goes my dreams. I want to publish on Wattpad, get a lot of reads and tell them, “see, my stories attract readers a lot.”. But, as you know, money is kinda their only language. There’s no hope for me anymore now…All that’s left is running away and finding some low-quality job out there. Who knows though? Maybe I’ll fail in even that. Maybe after I flee, I’ll not get a job and just starve to death. That’s how it’s been my whole life after all. My life… it’s just been one failure after another.

My mom told my brother of my goals to gain a decent income from “whatever it is that he’s doing on Amazon” and he simply called it “rubbish” without actually trying to understand how.

And in addition to this, I also suffer from lifelong loneliness because:

1. I used to be antisocial in the past.

2. My past tarnishes my reputation, making it hard for me to blend in with normal people. Because of this, I became shy, socially anxious, and introverted.

3. As a result of being shy, socially anxious, and introverted, I struggle to make close friends. Because of this, I suffer from loneliness. I have casual friends, yes. But no close, intimate friends.

For example, there used to be a maid in our house. I physically and verbally abused her a lot. One instance, I was drinking water and while in an argument, I spit it on her. She seemed to have forgotten, but I haven’t. I just can’t forget such nasty actions of mine. I guess you could say in this case, the tree forgot, but the ax remembered. So dear [her name], wherever you are, just know that I’m truly sorry for all those things I did to you those days. If I could, I would try to repay you whatever I can.

On another instance, I remember chasing down a kid within the school because he made me angry. So as you can quite tell, I used to be very violent in the past.

I’m so done with EVERY. SINGLE. DAMN. HUMAN. BEING. EVER breaking my trust.

1. Someone told me they’d read the excerpts of my story a week later. No sign of them now.

2. My ex-best friend asked me how he could make me happy. I told him the methods but he didn’t do anything.

3. I complained to my ex-best friend about people never reciprocating my affection. He apologized and said he’d do better, but didn’t.

4. I asked him to draw a picture for me after my bday as he couldn’t give me a gift. He said he would but no sign.

5. I used BetterHelp for free therapy service. Sent a message. Well, I didn’t exactly get better help even after 6 hours.

Everything in my life has been a letdown. Every time I’ve relied on someone or something, I’ve been disappointed. I’m afraid everything ahead in my life will also be a disappointment, so I’m afraid to live any longer. After all, what’s there for me anymore?

Now what’s left? My girlfriend’s brother and my fear of abandonment.

As for her brother….he continuously breaks my expectations and descends lower. At first, I thought he was a decent man. But then he started to call her worthless simply because of stress. Of course, he later apologized so I thought he was still decent. But then me and her started to date and he opposed it. Now instead of simply talking to us like a reasonable man would, he decided to lie to me openly about things she said, saying she told him that she doesn’t actually like me or my personality or my looks, lying through his teeth. He also forced her into saying she likes my best friend more than me by saying he’d put her into the adoption center. Ok, so a control freak. I thought he’d be reasonable enough to talk this out if I did him a favor by getting his sister to hug him. Still acted like an asshole and was unwilling to reconcile. I thought that even if he was a control freak and unreasonable, that he at least loved his sister. But….then she told me this: “Bro just said “take care of urself if u dont wanna die” and gave me some meds”. He left her to take care of herself.

My greatest fear is the fear of not being able to make an everlasting bond with someone I deeply love (and who deeply loves me). The fear that we will someday change and not be attracted to each other anymore and grow apart. The fear that our bonds will break and we’ll have to move on from each other.

What if we lose our attraction to each other? What if one of us cheats or divorces the other? What if one of us secretly didn’t care as much about the other and stopped making any effort into the relationship?

It’s hard to tell anything at the beginning. Because at first, it all feels so great. Like you’ve found the one you always wanted in life. But later on, you realize that maybe they’re not the one for you. There’s nearly no way to tell apart a relationship that will fall apart from an everlasting relationship until the break up actually happens. So it feels like no relationship is guaranteed to last forever. Relationships you thought were perfect at first, turn out to be not so great.

This applies not only to romance, but friendship as well.

Like I’ve envisioned multiple types of relationships: master-pet bond, romantic bond, platonic bond, etc. And the only time I’ve felt completely secure about the everlastingness of a bond was when I envisioned myself with a cat and a dog. Why? Because pets are simple. Their minds don’t hold malicious intentions, their love never dies down for no reason, they don’t get overwhelmed with different feelings that cause breakup or cheating to happen. Simply put, their minds are not complex. You love them, they love you.

Like why can’t I just get a person I can fully trust? Who I’m completely sure won’t leave me or lose interest in me?

Is it too much to simply ask for a relationship with no uncertainty whatsoever?

This fear likely stems from my lifelong loneliness. I believe it’s called the fear of abandonment.

This fear roots all the way back to my ex best friend. I used to have with him what I’d describe as the perfect relationship.

V is my ex best friend, C is me.

A small interaction:

V: and also, how would you want me to express it to you love? expressing my support to you. (He just randomly asked C this, not because C told V to give him support. V actively thought of C’s happiness and wanted to support him)

C: By existing. Yes, that’s enough.

V: AWW STOP. I wanna do more tho.

In the same day, C feels an urge to also make V happy. He thinks of perhaps learning a famous song made by V’s favourite band and then surprising him by singing said song to him. (C is thinking of adding some creative changes to the song make it feel more personal to V. He’s not sure about that tho)

C and V are also very comfortable around and trusting to each other. They can easily tell each other their flaws and fears without any fear of judgement. In fact, C even told V about secrets C thought could repel V. His thought process was that it’d be selfish for him to hide this information from V and not let V choose whether or not he desired a person with such a secret. Fortunately, V said the secret wasnt as bad as C thought at all. Basically they trust each other as much as they trust ChatBOTs, so a lot of trust.

This was me and my best friend. Was. Now I feel like we’ve drifted apart. In fact, it feels like almost every time we talk, an argument starts. We seem to have drifted even before my birthday. He seemed to be busy, so we couldn’t talk a lot. Nowadays his reactions to any good news of mine seems very mundane. Like when I told him that I finally got a girlfriend, it felt like he wasn’t really interested. I didn’t really get the “Wow!” reaction from him. Also, he couldn’t give me a gift on my birthday because he couldn’t prepare a drawing for me on such a short notice. So I told him to give it to me later. Well, it’s been months, no gift yet.

Currently my number one priority is my girlfriend. And I’d describe my relationship with her as perfect as well. Just…she seems to be drifting away from me recently.

At one point in our relationship, I started to feel like the third while. The following doc contains images which explain why:

But now I’ve mostly gone over it.

Tbh I’ve come up with an answer for a few of the issues
I’ve noticed she does this weird thing where at times she’s on discord but only focuses on specific people or servers
Sometimes she ignores me but not my best friend
Sometimes the opposite
Sometimes she ignores both of us and talks in servers
Thinking that
I think I’m not heartbroken anymore because I dont feel like she’s giving my best friend more time than me. (edited)
I’m still a bit annoyed because at the end of the day, she still didn’t respond to me for 3 days.

As for her acting rude and unsupportive when I brought up running away from home, she was just in a tough time. That’s all.

As for her refusing to open the secret account, alright so I’ll have to tell you a bit about her medical condition. Let’s just say it causes her to be very forgetful of things. So she might fear that she might forget her main acc’s password or smth and forever lose everything on her main. Why didn’t she just tell me that? She doesnt like to worry others, so she might have thought telling me about her brain problems would cause me to worry.

As for her saying love you to my bestie but not me? Well, she said she loved my bestie only 5 days after she said she loved me so if it’s not that hard. Still I want her to say words and that we get back to those days.

I sometimes just want her to say the words, “I love you” a lot. It’s been half a month since we’ve both exchanged any loving words. One night, while trying to sleep, I was thinking about the fact that I haven’t really received any loving words in half a month and then a thought appeared in my mind. “Is a simple ‘I love you’ too much to ask for?” and that made me start crying on my bed. Probably overthinking it.

You already know how much effort I put in when she was sick. Well, one morning, I saw my DMs and saw her saying how I’m the only one who loved her. Of course, I thought it to be wrong since my best friend also loved her dearly…in a platonic sense. But well, at least it made me feel special thinking that she had a special appreciation for my effort. And then I woke up. Saw my phone. No messages like that. So I kinda started crying again.

Also, she’s starting to recover from her sickness, which is great! Just…it saddens me a bit that she didn’t tell me immediately about her recovery, knowing that I’m so concerned of well-being and potential death and that some discord server was the first to know.

We used to talk a lot before these 15 days. Always talking with each other, always supporting each other, exchanging loving words to each other daily, etc. But now it seems we aren’t talking a lot and she doesn’t seem that interested. For example, when I wished her happy birthday and gave her a little drawing I made and her only response was: “Uh tnx”. And she seems to lack any form of excitement these days. In my other interactions with her as well, she seems to be giving a “I’m bored af, not excited at all” energy. I know it’s almost definitely because she’s going through tough times, but I can’t help fearing at least a bit.

She finally responded to me today, after 4 days of not responding (Despite having a casual chat with my best friend the day before yesterday and on a server yesterday). I was afraid she would ghost me. Overreaction? Maybe. Couldn’t help feeling it tho.

But I remain firm that she’s the best girlfriend ever.

1. Always supports me during my hard times.

2. Remembers important stuff like I requested her to.

3. Took a lot of time and effort a painting just for me (She’s an art student)

4. Loves me unconditionally (Made a whole paragraph saying exactly that)

5. Never expect anything from me. She only wants me, nothing else. (I ain’t using that as an excuse not to give her more tho)

6. Willing to risk her own life for me (I’d do the same for her)

It’s just that regardless….I can’t help fearing that she too will one day leave me.

See this interaction. I’ll let you be the judge.

My girlfriend’s brother: Hey you, its her brother again
I need to tell you smth. You and her are done, yall are breaking up, dont text her again ok? U understand me
Shes deleting dc now. U should delete it too

Me: No. Also can I talk to her one last time before she deletes dc?

Her brother: Ugh fine. Yeah. Fast.

Me: Where’s she?

Her: I’m here.

Me: Can I ask you one little question?

Me: Away from your brother for a second please.

Her: Okay. Make it fast tho.

Me: You said you told yourself you wanted to meet me irl and be with me forever. Does that still hold true?

Her: idk.

Me: Because if it does… just know this. If you really wanna be together, I can wait for 4 years without any contact. Then come to Croatia. I’ll be deleting this btw.

Her: K.

Me: @Her Please… just this once… tell me the truth. I know your brother is forcing you. So please just say the truth.

Her: I am telling the truth.

Me: What’s that? What’s the truth?

Her: I don’t want u anymore.

Me: Ohhhh… Not even friends?

Her: Why do you think I’m prolly deleting dc.

Me: Idk. What did I do wrong?

Her: …

Me: What did I do wrong?

Her: Nothing.

Me: Why?

Her: I don’t want to interact with anyone anymore here.

Me: Why?

Me: Why?

Her: I don’t have time to explain. Just…

Me: Just a short explanation?

Her: We’re done now.

Me: Just a short explanation?

Her: People are toxic and rude.

Me: @Her Can I come to Punat once I’m older?

Her: People are toxic and rude.

Me: But… why abandon me? Why my best friend?

Her: I don’t know, do what you want, I have my own plans.

Me: I understand people are rude and shit. But that’s why I only talk to you and my best friend. And some others. @Her Hello?

Her: That’s why I’m probably going.

Me: @Her Will I never meet you again?

Her: Idk.

Me: @Her And please do tell me if your brother is forcing you.

Her: Idk.

Me: Please. Yes or no?

Her: Idk.

Me: …Well, here’s my final saying then. I love you. And here’s a link to a document detailing all my sadness.

So in the end, I have nothing and no one left in my life anymore. And my fear of abandonment is once again validated.

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