When irrational fits of rage cause you lash out mentally at people you consider a friend.

Lately and I don’t know if its from work, or just me but I have been prone to these irrational fits of rage, and turn into paranoia. I didn’t want to log off the Zoom meeting because I thought once I was gone, everyone would remain behind and start laughing at me behind my back. I know this is illogical, and paranoid, but I can’t seem to control these thoughts.

Do other people often experience this? Is this just normal reaction to stress or is this a sign of something bigger?

One Reply to “When irrational fits of rage cause you lash out mentally at people you consider a friend.”

  1. Something bigger. Anxiety takes many, many forms and comes from many different situations and states of mind. I don’t know what it might be, but I hope you can work towards peace.

    Start with looking into OCD because it sounds like you’re plagued with intrusive thoughts, but only as a starting point. Ideally, I hope you can find a therapist or something which fits your needs and can help you break down what is going on and understand yourself better.

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