Where to Begin Getting Therapy?

I (F25) definitely need therapy. In the past, I had a therapist and a psychiatrist. I didn’t like taking meds as a teen, because they fucked with my mind i.e. making me paranoid. So I stopped the meds and once I turned 16, my mom let me decided to no longer pursue therapy since I didn’t want to.

I keep a diary and have had one since middle school. I’ve noticed a pattern with myself. I tend to OVER anaylist the f\*\*\* out of people. For example: if I have a crush on a guy, I get “insane” about it. “does he like me?” “He did xyz, so he must like me.” I overread his facial expressions, take into account ever little thing he says, his tone of voice, etc. This also happens with friends. Not so much with family.

It’s been more noticeable lately. I really need to know why I’m like this. Like I’m obsessed with people liking me. I get insane with my crushes.

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