Why am i seeing weird dreams

I don’t remember the whole thing but here are the pointers

Background :-
I am 20M in a tough time right now
(I recently dropped out of college n my parents didn’t take it well because I was using drugs for the past 2 years and I told them so they felt betrayed and are sending me abroad but I m facing some issues with my admission and am stressed about how will I explain my drop during the visa interview)

– It started with me having dreams where I started going to school again in my 12th standard and I would freak out and wake up when I realised that I have already finished my 12th in real life and what would I tell my parents why am I going to school again

– i told my parents about my drug use and due to this problem they don’t let me leave the house many days passed and my resolve to stay clean started getting stronger. So one day I dreamt about killing a guy who was nice to me and I read about it online that we kill in our dreams when we let go of habits and that dead guy being nice was true as I liked him and I liked drugs

But it kept getting weirder
My dreams about me going back to school increased more in intensity I’d wake up every time and after that I started having dreams where some meteor would destroy the whole world but I was safe behind a door in my class or my school washroom

Then one day I dreamt about a girl
An invisible one
We got married and after the marriage we kissed though she was invisible she was wearing clothes which I could see (kinda like invisible man where only his clothes were visible) when I kissed her it was okay but then she kissed me again and her face opened wide and she tried eating half of my face
Terror ran through my heart and I woke up all sweaty and my heart beating like a car’s engine
I didn’t think much of it but now a week later it’s been bothering me
What was that is there any real meaning to dreams
Or am I just too stressed and alone that I’m making my own patterns
And is there any way that I can stop this back to school dream it’s really stressing me out.

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