Why did she act this way? Was i in the wrong?

In a short story, basically im about to graduate highschool. And its one of my last days on the bus. Also me and my ex gf broke up 2 weeks ago. She broke up with me. We said our goodbyes, hugs, and said if we ever cross paths maybe we can try again. But As We ride the bus together on the last day of the bus. She was sitting behind me but wanted to tell her friend something but hesitated because she whispered “but”. But still proceeded to sit directly parallel from me. So For 15 minutes straight I had to listen to her talk about how she was on ft with a guy basically having phone sex. How she did new things with him. How she didn’t expect it to go that far. How she loved it and she wanted to go crazy for him. While she was bouncing up and down in the seat and making sex movements. So the next day I sat in the front so I wouldn’t have to hear that again but I unintentionally sat with my ex’s enemy or opp. Someone she basically doesn’t like. Nothing happened that day because my ex wasn’t at school. So the next day I sat with the same girl in the front but then my ex got on the bus and started flipping out and cussing in the back and even at the school was super angry and i could hear her and her friends saying things about me. So I want to know why would she be so upset when she said all those things about her and that boy on the bus?

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