Very Existential and Afraid of Aging
Hi! Tomorrow is my birthday. This has been weighing on me all month, to the point where I haven't been able to sleep some nights,...
Hi! Tomorrow is my birthday. This has been weighing on me all month, to the point where I haven't been able to sleep some nights,...
Ever since I've been a kid, I've always been slow at completing tasks and understanding basic instructions. Now that I am an adult (21), I...
I was diagnosed with agoraphobia and panic disorder 4 months ago, and it's been really hard, I barely go out, I used to love going...
Hello, I’m a British college student. For starters I don’t have that many friends to hang out with so I spend most of my time...
I've been struggling with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. Recently within the past few years I've been having "flashbacks" and...
I’ve been going down this giant rabbit hole of self hate, I don’t know why but when I try to act happy at the end...
All the therapists I’ve been to either admit to not being able to help me or just waste my time. I have huge issues with...
I just recently got out of jail for my first time ever at 18 served 2ish months and i got sober and on track after...
Getting justice for myself and my service dog. Living in fear and seeking justice. My service dog was ripped from my side and put in...
It's been a while I've been feeling this way. It's kinda weird and I also feel weird about. The thing on why I am feeling...